The ONE project that will change your life
Build The Perfect Portfolio And Rock That Job Interview
Dear friends,
The job market for data science is getting crowded. The number of job applicants is increasing year by year, and supply is catching up with demand.
Gone are the days when completing an Andrew Ng course in Coursera was enough to land a job as a data scientist.
Companies are past the data science hype, and they have slowly (and painfully) learned what a GOOD data scientist is.
So, what is a good data scientist?
It is a problem-solver. Someone who:
→ thinks about a business problem 🧠
→ frames it as the right data science problem 🖼️
→ solves the data science problem, using a combo of tools: Python, SQL, ML… ⚒️
→ presents the work to the business stakeholders 👨🏫
Knowing the tools (Python, SQL…) is necessary to become a professional data scientist. But it is not enough.
If you want to impress in your next job interview, you need to go one step further. You need to prove that you are a problem-solver. And the only way to be a problem-solver is… (drumbeat… 🥁) to solve a problem!
Building one solid and professional data science project is what stands you out from the crowd.
And this is exactly what I offer you with my new mentorship program. I help you choose, design, and execute The One Project that will change your life.
My one project is to become a top-notch Data Science/AI educator and help you achieve your dream job.
What is yours?
🔥 Let’s rock the interview
Need help preparing for an upcoming data science/ML/AI job interview?
Get a fully documented guide, and a 30-minute talk, and increase your chances DRASTICALLY.
Last week I helped Jeofrey rock his interview.
Wanna be next?
➡️ Book a 1-on-1 session today for only $60 and get personalized advice.
💎 Gem of the week
Every aspiring data scientist I talk to thinks their job starts when someone else gives them:
a dataset, and
a clearly defined metric to optimize for, e.g. accuracy
But it doesn’t. It starts with a business problem you need to understand, frame, and solve. This is the key data science skill that separates senior from junior professionals. Read my latest article and become a better data scientist.
➡️ The Data Science Skill No One Talks About
🌟 Tip of the Week
Wanna prepare for a job interview where “Reinforcement Learning is a desirable skill?”. Get up to speed with part 1 of my hands-on Reinforcement Learning course. It contains everything you need to grasp the fundamentals of this emerging field.
➡️ Learn the fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning in 13 minutes